Summer school

In 2019, we established a series of Summer Schools in collaboration with Grown in Britain. Our aim is promote the value of underutilised home-grown timber.

We are very excited to share that this years Summer School is part of our Woodworking and Gender project, a new and co-ordinated programme of activities that seeks to address gender inequality in the heritage woodwork and furniture making sector. We would like to invite applications from individuals who identify as female or non-binary and want to work with wood. There are eight free places for early career designers and makers this year.

The Summer School takes place in person at the Sylva Wood Centre from Monday 9th to Friday 13th September. A project brief and introduction to a selection of underutilised timber will be shared in advance so that participants can make the most of the opportunity. All meals and refreshments will be provided.

Participants have the opportunity to immerse themselves in all aspects of the Sylva Wood Centre: accessing our well-equipped workshops, working with our experienced teachers and connecting with our creative community. Alongside the creative and technical guidance we provide, the environmental work and principles of Sylva Foundation and Grown in Britain are at the heart of the week-long project.

To qualify for a place: you must demonstrate an enthusiasm for learning, have some previous woodworking experience, be able to join us between 9th -13th September and be aged 18 or over.

We have a simple application process: please click here.

The application deadline is Sunday 7th July.
Those shortlisted will be informed by Friday 12th July.

For further information please contact

Sylva Summer School participants making prototypesSylva Summer School participant using a pole lathe